


​​​​​​Welcome to Prep at TSS - Enrolments OPEN

Our large, modern day Prep Classrooms, combined with dedicated and talented teachers and full time Prep teacher aides provide a great start to your child’s school life. 

As we are not catchment managed we are able to accept enrolments from all areas. 

Our teaching and non teaching staff are very dedicated and have developed a strong loyalty to the school and its children. Their commitment to providing quality education is unequalled.

Their day includes a full developmental program which is derived from the P - 3 curriculum and the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines. Including;

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art
  • STEM
  • Technology
Our Prep learners are regularly assessed in line with the Australian Curriculum achievement expectations.

Formal reports are issued to parents/carers at the end of semester 1 and
semester 2. A parent/teacher meeting will be held in the first semester of school.

Our students at Tewantin State School have access to all of the following and much more;

  • Strong community involvement and ties with local organisations such as the Noosa Regional Art Gallery, Rotary and Noosa Tewantin RSL, CWA,  Lions Club, Noosa Council

  • Celebratory activities—Under 8s, Book Week, Funs Runs, Reading Challenge, School Discos

  • Comprehensive recycling and environmental programme with food recycling bins in every classroom.

  • Embedded opportunities for ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)

  • Access to Smart Classrooms

  • Full Time STEM teacher that integrates Early Years Pedagogy in to Design and Digital Technology Curriculum delivery.

  • Gifted and talented and leadership programs.

  • Accerler8 – extension classes

  • Annual Spring Fair

  • International Student visits by Accredited Study Tour Schools

  • Music: instrumental music—brass, woodwind and percussion, drums, guitar lessons and choirs. Ukulele club, School band

  • Sporting programs: Netball (QSS Netball Assn); Softball ; Tennis; Cricket, Rugby League, Auskick,

  • Athletics carnivals, Cross Country and Swimming offered to all grades.

  • Outside School Hours Care including vacation care.

Prep students attend for the whole day, which commences at 8:50am and finishes at 2:45pm.

Our Prep Teachers support and shape learning opportunities where children are actively engaged in purposeful learning experiences.

All enrolled 2025 preps and their parents are encouraged to participate in our comprehensive Prep Transition Program.

How does Prep help my child in Year 1?

The compulsory Prep year is now recognised as the first formal year of school. At Tewantin State School, Prep provides an important foundation for future successful schooling.

School Tours

School information sessions and tours are by appointment only. Please call the office on 5335 8888. 

When Can My Child Attend School? 

Enter your child’s birthday into the calculator and it will reveal what year your child can start (Works only for Prep and Year 1)

Calculator, When can my child start school?​​

Complete an Enrolment Form 

Complete your enrolment form and bring to the school office with your childs original birth certificate. ​

Enrolment Application Form CURRENT 2021.pdf

Prep Transition Program

Our Prep Transition Program consists of a number of events held within our school and community. These include a meet and greet morning tea, a fun play afternoon tea, visits to our local kindys and Principal Tours.​​

Step into Prep Program (Prep Prestart) Consists of a 4 week program.  These four (one hour) sessions provide a chance for our new Preppies to obtain confidence through a positive experience about 'big school'. They also provide parents an opportunity to interact with others and have some fun. Our future students can wear their uniform if they wish with lots of happy photo opportunities.  




Flying Start Interview These interviews will take place with your Prep student, yourself and one of our dedicated staff members. Individual appointment times can be made for the interviews. This is an extremely important part of our enrolment process to ensure the best start for your little one. Please bring your Kindy Transition Statements with you if available.

Your attendance at the above events will have an enormously positive impact for the start of your little person in 2025. We hope you can make yourself available for all of our transition opportunities.

 2025 Prep Enrolment Flyer.pdf

Big Prep Playdate 2025 (1).jpg

Prep 2025 Meet n Greet.jpg

Last reviewed 25 February 2025
Last updated 25 February 2025